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An Advanced Technology of the Future for Healing and Personal Transformation​

The Dalian Method™ (DM) is a completely new healing system, which is not derived from any other modality known today. Pioneering a new way of thinking and working with pain, fear, disease, and suffering, this advanced self-healing technique creates a paradigm shift in how we can achieve spontaneous and simultaneous healing on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).

The Dalian Method helps to spontaneously, and without using the mind, bring to the surface the root causes of physical and psychological ailments, instead of trying to treat the symptoms.  This genius system helps to release and eliminate the symptoms by transforming the unconscious programs (that cause physical and psychological ailments) into consciousness inside the body’s cellular memory and DNA structure.  

Practicing with the Dalian Method will help you to let go of your attachment to the impermanent things that will eventually come to pass. It will help you become aware of the deathless presence of your inner truth and understand that your fears, beliefs, self-doubt, and helplessness have nothing to do with who you truly are. You will see that your “problems” are based on the illusion created by your mind and conditionings, which separate your awareness from your inner Being.

Practicing with the Dalian Method session, you will feel a sense clarity, increased self-awareness, self-confidence, self-trust, and self-responsibility ~ Yog Nanak

In a nutshell, as one of the most advanced and powerful healing modalities in the world today, the Dalian Method meets the needs and challenges of modern-day men, women, youth, and children who seek the most in the shortest time. With its different lengths and versions for adults, teens, young adults, and children, it is easy to use, and is adaptable to each person’s individual needs.

Self-Healing Dalian Method for Adults

The 70 and 95 minute versions are specifically designed for adults who need more time to work through the many accumulated layers of repressed thoughts and emotions over the years.

This version will also help young adults and teens who are willing to delve deeper into their unconscious and work through many layers in a shortest time to achieve even deeper transformation.

Body-oriented healing practices, such as allopathic medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, and different types of bodywork primarily focus on eradicating physical symptoms. Though they may acknowledge psycho-emotional components of disease and illness, they don’t directly work with the beliefs repressed in the body’s cellular memory. As mentioned earlier, the conventional medical model does not encourage or guide people to look inside and discover what their body is trying to tell them about the lessons they need to learn to evolve spiritually and find the true health of their inner being.

DM goes beyond body-oriented practices by recognizing that although two people may be diagnosed with the same illness and exhibit similar symptoms, the root cause(s) of their ailments are different, just as their DNAs and individual journeys are different.

DM first identifies the causes of each person’s individual symptoms and then helps to systematically dismantle the energetic blockages caused by layers of repressed belief patterns and associated emotions from the body and energy.

Mind-oriented healing practices, such as psychology, psychiatry, and counseling, focus on investigating the person’s psycho-emotional state. They rarely work with the body or try to identify the causes of psychological problems in the body. Mind-oriented practices rely primarily on the person’s ability to intellectually understand, and do something about their fears, insecurities, depression, anger, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence. They attempt to help people change their negative thinking and behavior patterns into positive and socially acceptable thoughts and behavior. They usually use mood-altering medications to suppress undesirable symptoms instead of transforming them. This approach of using the mind (or medication) to deal with psycho-emotional challenges that are created by the mind in the first place, keeps people in a perpetual loop of unconsciousness and prevents them from dissolving the core beliefs that undermine their health and happiness.

The Dalian Method goes beyond mind-oriented practices by bypassing the mind and working directly with the unconscious beliefs repressed in the body.

As a result of clearing your energy from repressed memories and associated emotions and beliefs DM helps you connect to your inner power and strength, break your identification with your ego-mind, and realize that you are not helpless or wounded. It helps you understand that you are free and your survival does not depend on the treatment, acceptance, love, or opinions of others. DM helps you become aware of your breath and effortlessly be present in the Now.

Spirit-oriented healing practices, such as faith, shamanistic, and psychic healing, depend on someone else conducting the healing. Though these are helpful and appropriate when needed, in most cases they do not teach people self-responsibility and how to find answers that are already within them. In general, they fail to help people recognize that most of their ailments and life challenges carry lessons (not misfortunes) that need to be understood and transformed into consciousness.

The Dalian Method goes beyond spirit-oriented practices by helping to ignite your consciousness and accelerate your journey to awakening. DM helps you break old karmic chains that have kept you in pain and suffering and realize that others have been simply mirroring back what you needed to see and transform within yourself. DM helps you transcend your fear of death and the unknown and understand that you are not your ego identity but a pure consciousness that can never be separated from existence.”

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