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Atisha’s Lamp of the Path for Nirvana

“Meditate on Atisha, listen to his advice, they are of immense value.  It is not a philosophy, it is a manual to discipline yourself, it is a manual of inner transformation.  These sutras are golden.  Keep them in your heart, they will nourish you, they will strengthen you, they will transform you.  It is the teaching that can help you grow into Wisdom ”    OSHO


Meditation is confrontation with our self to find the emptiness in our self.

A flight into the sky of our inner being, an individual exploration and journey into the depth of our heart and mind, into what and who we are. It is a process of going deeper and deeper into the reality, by dropping conditioning, fear, illusion, ideas, dreams, layer after layer. Meditation means to be here and now, to be present to the moment. A deep and intimate silence in our innate wisdom.

This five-day retreat a deep immersion into OSHO’s Revolutionary and innovative meditations along with other new contemplations created by Yog Nanak – An invaluable guide, and a light for all inner paths, for every meditator, which can completely transform the Mind, Heart and Hara (Second Center). An opening to the limitless space on your inner being.

“Meditation is an ever-present underground stream; what we need is to dig enough in ourselves to find this eternal source again. Finding it, is to find the greatest joy of life.”     OSHO


  • Tong-Leng (“Giving” and “Taking” in Tibetan)
  • The arising of Bodhicitta
  • The base of mind functions and the illusion of the ego
  • The four bodies (Kaya)
  • The essential meaning of witnessing
  • The difficulties and fundamental points of the awareness process
  •  The meaning of “Compassion” and “Wisdom”
  • The transcendental function of the five senses
  • The “Three principal causes” and the “Three treasures”
  • The authentic and true meaning of “Freedom”


The great Indian Buddhist Master Atisha (982-1054 AD) was responsible for reintroducing pure Buddhism into Tibet.

Although Buddhism had been introduced into Tibet some two hundred years earlier by Padmasambhava and Shantarakshita, Buddhist practice in the country had largely been destroyed during the anti-Buddhist purges of the Tibetan king, Lang Darma (circa 836 AD), a follower of Bön, the pre-Buddhist religion of Tibet.

In response, Atisha wrote Lamp for the Path, the original Lamrim text that served as the basis for all subsequent Lamrim instructions. The revival of pure Buddhist practice in Tibet at this time was largely due to Atisha.


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